Are Values and Sales Compatible?

Are Values and Sales Compatible?

What does it take to be successful in sales? In order to meet revenue quotas, sales managers will often apply high pressure on their team, which then flows on to clients. This can lead to the use of unethical and pushy sales tactics. Is it possible for values and...
Sales Benefits Everybody

Sales Benefits Everybody

There’s a story floating around the internet about a man who purchased a Corvette (a high priced car). Upon seeing the vehicle, an observer disapprovingly asked “I wonder how many people you could have fed for the money spent on the car?” The proud car owner replied...
How to Make Sales Less Scary

How to Make Sales Less Scary

One of the key problems entrepreneurs face starting out is a fear of selling. I don’t blame them – when I first started out in sales, I was terrified to even pick up the phone… To speak to existing clients! To ensure that your company doesn’t join the list of failed...
The One Key to Sales Success

The One Key to Sales Success

There are hundreds of factors that will contribute to your career success. I once saw an article entitled “The 30 Habits of Successful People,” which seemed a little too heavy reading for me at the time. While these articles have some credit, there is one factor that...
Reduce Sales Resistance: 3 Practical Tips

Reduce Sales Resistance: 3 Practical Tips

As a result of negative stereotypes and actual life experiences, many of us can relate to putting up resistance to salespeople. Ironically, selling is the means by which we earn our living, regardless of your profession! (If employed, you have to “sell” your worth to...