Sell With Purpose

by | Dec 4, 2019

Hi, it’s Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today’s topic is sell with purpose. Purpose drives everything that we do. In order for us to tap into our purpose, I want to ask you three questions today that will help you to really get attached to why you are doing what you do.

Sell With Purpose Question #1: Why Are You in Sales?

Therefore, my first question to you is, why are you in sales? Of all the possible professions that you could have chosen, what is it about sales that you really love? It could be many things, including the fact that you are helping people or you’re engaging with people on a daily basis or the fact that it challenges you on a regular basis. If you are really tied strongly with your why, as in why you are in sales, other than paying the bills, then your ability to sell will be significantly improved.

Sell With Purpose Question #2: What Difference Does Your Product Make?

As a side note to that, which leads me to my second question. If you want to have a very strong purpose in sales, you need to attach it to something that’s apart from yourself. If you’re only looking at internal things that is not going to be very motivating, when we are serving and giving value to other people, that’s when it sparks something on the inside, we’re tapping into our bigger purpose which is to make a difference in other people’s lives. The question that will help you to answer that is what problem do you solve? What problem do you solve?

Try to think beyond the immediate effect. For example, I provide sales training and the immediate effect is that people become better at selling. What is the flow on effect from that? For me and my clients, the flow on effect is that when they become more effective at sales, they are solving other people’s problems with their service or product. As a result of that, and the company being successful, they’ll be able to hire more people. Essentially feeding the families and providing gainful employment for those people. The flow and effect just goes on and on and on.

The better you understand the flow on effect of the problems that you are solving and the problems that they consequently solve, the more you will be able to understand your true purpose in sales.

Sell With Purpose Question #3: What Would Happen If You Stopped Selling?

Now, the final question that I want to ask you… To help you to attach to your purpose is what would happen if you stopped? What would happen if you didn’t sell your product or your service? This is a reverse of the previous question, which is if people continued living on with that problem that they have, what would life be like for those people? One of the reasons that I’m so passionate about helping people to sell better is because their entire livelihoods often depend on it. I’ve spoken to many entrepreneurs who want to add value to other people’s lives and they have a great product or great service that they can offer. But their inability to sell prevents them from doing so.

If they are not successful in selling, and if I stopped doing what I’m doing, these people could potentially lose tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars of opportunity costs. They would not earn the amount of money that they would had they been able to sell effectively. That’s where I derive my purpose and where I get my motivation for doing what I do.


Again, those questions are why are you in sales? What problem do you solve? What would happen if you stopped selling? Ask yourselves these question to attach to your purpose. Now, if you are a sales manager or entrepreneur, and you would like a complimentary consultation with myself, feel free to leave a comment below or follow the link. I’d be happy to have a chat with you to see if we can work something out. In the meantime, don’t forget to like and subscribe and remember that integrity plus skills equals success.

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Sales Ethos is the only provider of sales training for introverts. We also provide sales coaching, sales process consulting, and sales training in Melbourne & Adelaide.

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