We all go through hard times in sales. Whether it’s caused by a declining economy, changes to the marketplace, or company changes, there are many factors that can affect our sales. The good news is that in every economy, there are people losing money, and there are people making money. Today I will share with you how to sell when no one’s buying.
How to Sell When No One’s Buying #1: Stop Blaming & Take Responsibility
It’s easy to blame external factors for our results. It’s comfortable because it gives us excuses for our lack of results. This is not the way of the professional sales consultant. The moment you stop blaming and take responsibility is when you take back control over your destiny. Resist the temptation to focus on external reasons for your results, and instead say aloud “I am responsible.” Look for ways you can improve your sales through improving your skills.
How to Sell When No One’s Buying #2: Adopt a Positive Mindset & Expectations
During tough times, a positive mindset is especially crucial. Nothing will hurt your sales more than negative expectations. Your mindset has a large influence over your words, tone, and behaviour. Picking up the phone expecting to be turned down is asking for failure. Instead, take a moment before every sales call or meeting to close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself being confident. Imagine your prospect being eager to talk with you and signing the dotted line. While positive expectation may not necessarily win you deals, you will be miles ahead of negative consultants.
How to Sell When No One’s Buying #3: Go Back to Basics
While adjustments to strategy may be called for during tough times, never abandon sales basics. Keep up those phone calls. Continue booking sales meetings. Send out those proposals. If you focus on your basic sales activities, the numbers will look after themselves.
Further to this, continue focusing on value for your clients. Remember that during tough times, people need more help than ever. The onus is on you to prove that if they purchase your product, that it will alleviate some of the pressure that they’re experiencing. Greater amounts of trust will be required, accompanied by strong business cases.
Never let tough times phase you. While other sales consultants may give in to their circumstances, you don’t have to give up. Take full responsibility for your results and stop blaming. Adopt a positive mindset and expectations. Get busy and back to basics. You can be the one that sells when “no one is buying!”
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