3 Sales Activities for the Christmas Season

by | Dec 15, 2016

As we approach the Christmas season, many of our clients are beginning to go on holiday, and buying decisions are being postponed for the New Year. It may be tempting to kick back and enjoy the quiet, but this is not for the proactive and successful salesperson! There are plenty of things you can do to ensure that next year is a smash, so here are my top tips:

  1. Continue Making Sales Calls

Even though many of your clients will be away, not all of them will be! Stay proactive by keeping in touch and see who you can still reach. When they are away, simply ask when they are returning, and make a note in your diary for next year’s follow up! While lazier salespeople are winding up their efforts, this may well be your opportunity to contact people you haven’t been able to reach before. The take home message is never to assume whether your clients will be available or not!

  1. Sharpen Your Skills

During the holiday season, by all means enjoy your time with family and friends. Successful salespeople understand the importance of good relationships outside of work, but they also understand the importance of sharpening their skills during down time. Whether it’s catching up on reading sales books, industry/product knowledge, or practicing their sales presentations, they make the time to engage in activities that will pay long-term dividends.

  1. Plan Your Goals

The Christmas period is a great time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments, mistakes, and areas for improvement. It’s also the perfect opportunity to plan for the following year. Creating strategies and plans of how you will accomplish your professional and personal goals in the next year will invigorate and motivate you for success.

Take Action!

Continue making those sales calls. Decide what skills you will improve during the Christmas period. Make plans for next year’s goals. The bottom line – be proactive, work hard, and enjoy the holidays!

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Music credit: “Clear Day” – www.bensound.com

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