“Modes of Motive” is one of my favourite phrases in Sales. It is ultimately the driving force for our success, but takes its shape and form in surprising ways. Understanding its role in our career, mental attitude, and deals can profoundly change how effectively we sell. Today I want to share with you three different perspectives on how “motive” affects our sales.
The First Modes of Motive – What Drives You?
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What are you passionate about? If the answer to any of these questions doesn’t include your job, it’s probably time for a wake-up call and re-evaluate your life goals. If you are not driven by enthusiasm for your work, there isn’t a snowflake’s chance in the Sahara Desert that you’ll be at the top of your game. A lack of enthusiasm for your solution will show in your tone of voice, body language, and choice of words. You can’t sell what you don’t truly believe in.
The Second Modes of Motive – What is Your Intention?
Speaking of conviction, what is your motive for selling your product? We understand in social intelligence that people are built to read our expressions to determine our motives. How likely are your prospects going to buy if they know you only care about making your sales quota? On the flipside, a sincere concern for our clients’ best interests can often trump a lack of technical sales skills. When you genuinely want to help your prospects, fancy closing techniques and smooth words become moot.
The Third Modes of Motive – What Drives Your Clients to Buy?
Equipped with an authentic care for others, you take your focus off your own interests and onto your prospects’. You practice empathy and ask yourself “If I were in their shoes, what would motivate me to buy?” You know that your solution must bring about a positive return-on-investment, but also understand that emotions play a key role in decision-making. With all of this knowledge and preparation, you deliver your client-centric sales presentation, and maximise your chances of winning the sale.
As high-performing salespeople, we must nurture in ourselves a strong motivation for our work, foster a client-centric motive for selling, and understand what motivates our clients to buy. When you are mindful of how these three modes of motivation play into your practice, you will be well on your way to becoming a highly motivated and successful salesperson.
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