Are your sales presentations lacklustre and unpersuasive? Want to deliver powerful sales presentations? While there are many ways to improve, I want to share three of our top tips that will turn your sales presentations into deal makers! And yes, they coincidentally all start with “P!”
1st Key to Powerful Sales Presentations: Preparation
Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can wing your sales presentation. Top presenters may give the impression that they are natural and are masters of ad-libbing, but the truth behind the scenes is that they have thoroughly rehearsed and prepared their presentation. The more you prepare, the easier it will be for you to sound natural and smoothly deliver complementary tidbits. My takeaway tip is to do live rehearsals (it never comes out the same as how you think it will!) until you can deliver the talk without referring to notes.
Aside from thorough rehearsals, nothing communicates professionalism better than doing your homework and tailoring your sales presentation to your client. Remember, while you are speaking, the only thing on their mind is “What’s in it for me?” So make sure that you target your sales presentation to their needs, wants, and pain points.
2nd Key to Powerful Sales Presentations: Positioning
The way you present yourself and come across to people is known as “positioning.” If you have an air of confidence about you, people will be much more likely to trust what you have to say. Conversely if you reek of desperation or neediness, you will instantly trigger the “fight or flight” response in your audience, killing any chances of closing the deal. So the question is “How can you position yourself strongly and persuasively?” In Oren Klaff’s book “Pitch Anything,” the author provides three tips:
- Want nothing – my way of achieving this is to put your interests in the outcome secondary to your prospect’s interests. This removes neediness and simultaneously demonstrates your sincere desire to improve your prospect’s situation.
- Focus on your strengths – apart from heralding your product and company’s advantages, I believe nothing demonstrates strength of character and trustworthiness more than your ability to admit limitations.
- Demonstrate the willingness to withdraw – at the end of your presentation, allow the prospect to qualify themselves for your offer. Phrases such as “We are picky with who we work with,” and/or “We might not be the right company for you,” show that you are only interested in doing business if the deal is win-win.
3rd Key to Powerful Sales Presentations: Passion
What percentage of purchase decisions are made logically vs. emotionally? The answer is: all decisions are 100% emotional, and justified with logic. Knowing this, why would you focus purely on numbers and facts in your presentation? Think past the analysis and go to the root of what moves your audience. Sure, you might save the company 20% on their expenses, but what would that mean for the decision makers’ reputation? How would this deal impact their customers? Make sure you are passionate about your sales presentation by linking it to a transcendent purpose.
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