Transcript: Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today, I'm going to cover the three key areas of effective time management for sales. Sales managers and sales people are well known for having difficulty prioritizing the most important activities. In fact, you could say...
Customer Service and Referrals Articles
Weaknesses vs. strengths: What should salespeople focus on?
Transcript by Hi, this is Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today, I'm going to address the question, "Weaknesses vs. strengths: What should salespeople focus on?" This is a really interesting question because there are a lot of tests out there that can measure your...
How to take ownership over your sales career
Hi guys, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is how to take ownership over your sales career. Too often, I've heard sales professionals blame other things for their lack of success. They'll blame the economy, the market, the product, management. They'll even...
How to Increase Client Happiness in Sales
Hi, this is Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is how to increase client happiness in sales. In the sales profession, we may not consider ourselves as customer service representatives. However, the level of service that you problem to your clients will determine...
How to Sell to Modern Buyers Pt 3: How to Build Trust in Modern Day Sales
Hi, this is Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. This is Part Three of the series, How to Sell to Modern Buyers. Now, buyers are more sceptical than ever before. After being bombarded by sales and marketing messages through emails, through phone calls, people have created walls...
Selling to Modern Buyers PT 2: How to Sell in Complex Sales Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. This is Part Two of How to Sell to Modern Buyers. Today, I'm going to address the topic on how to sell in complex sales situations. Complex sales has become the norm for modern selling. It is no longer...
How to Deal with Information Imbalance in Sales Transcript Hey, it's Ben Lai here from Sales Ethos. Today, I'm going to kick off a series on How to Sell to Modern Buyers. Part One of this series is going to be how to deal with information imbalance in today's market. Now, if you've been...
Interview: Traffic X Conversions = Clients Transcript Ben Lai: Hey guys, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos and today I've got a special guest with me, Irwin Hau. Irwin...
Never Assume: Sales Advice for Professionals
Transcript: Hi guys, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm going to give you a single piece of advice that will help you for the rest of your sales career. And that is to never assume. Why is assuming so deadly for sales people? The reason is that when we make...