Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm continuing on the series on The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear. Today's hat is the project manager. Now as much as sales people hate this, we are actually responsible for making things happen once we actually close...
Customer Service and Referrals Articles
Sales Professionals Are Leaders
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm continuing on the series of The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear, and today's hat is the leadership hat. Sales professionals are leaders. Leadership and persuasion influence and sales are all synonyms of each other....
Sales Professionals Are Personal Development Experts
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm going to continue with part three of the series The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear. Today's hat is that sales professionals are personal development experts. I mentioned previously that sales professionals need to...
Sales Professionals Are Researchers
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm continuing the series on The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear. In this lesson we're going to talk about how sales professionals are researchers. https://youtu.be/j47hVPmMb24 Why sales professionals are researchers:...
Sales Professionals Are Coaches
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm kicking off a series on “The Many Hats that Salespeople Wear.” Essentially the premise of this series is to uncover all of the different skillsets that are required of salespeople in order to do what they do. And you'd be...
How to Retain Top Salespeople Pt 2
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today, I'm continuing the series on how to retain top salespeople. Before, I was talking about how important recognition is, giving them a sense of belonging, and making sure that they were adequately compensated for their efforts....
How to Retain Top Salespeople: Part 1
Hi, I'm Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is how to retain top salespeople. This is a two-part series specifically for sales managers. https://youtu.be/RiKPlYd9dhM Top talent is hard to find and hard to retain. Because they're so good at what they do, they can...
Sales Experience is Overrated!
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is sales experience is overrated. You heard me. There people in the sales profession who have been in it for 10, 20, even 30 years. When they're applying for a job, this can seem like a really great thing to have on...
How to Be Passionate About Sales
Transcript: Hi, this is Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is how to become passionate about sales. https://youtu.be/GdB1kLux_zs This is a strange sort of topic because in today's day and age, most people giving advice about career will say, "Pursue your passion....