Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos, today's topic is “Clients Come First.” There is another similar saying, the client is always right. Not sure I entirely agree with that one but this particular philosophy, clients come first, is very important for our mindset when we...
Customer Service and Referrals Articles
Telling the Truth: Sales Training Tip
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is telling the truth. The sales profession unfortunately has a very bad reputation for the behaviour of what's probably a few unscrupulous individuals. One of the major sins of sales people is lying. Not telling the...
Always Maintain Initiative: Sales Training Advice
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm going to revisit one of my previous topics, which is the concept "always maintain initiative." If anything, this is going to reinforce this concept in your own mind. You'll never know, sometimes I might spin things a little...
Sales Training Tip: Listen, Understand, Solve
Transcript: Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is listen, understand, then solve. Sales people have for too long been considered people who have the gift of the gab. In order to be effective in sales you have to talk well, and that is important, but it...
Be Valuable: Sales Training Tip of the Week
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is “Be Valuable.” Value is the number one thing that we should be constantly thinking about in the profession of sales. There are many instances where we can constantly add value. I'm going to talk about three...
Sell With Purpose
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today's topic is sell with purpose. Purpose drives everything that we do. In order for us to tap into our purpose, I want to ask you three questions today that will help you to really get attached to why you are doing what you do....
Sales Professionals Are Expert Consultants
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm going to continue on with the series The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear. Today's topic is on being the consultant or the trusted advisor. This is considered to be the gold standard in modern selling. So how do we...
Sales Professionals Are Negotiators
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm continuing on the series The Many Hats that Professional Salespeople Wear. In this topic we are going to talk about the negotiator and the mediator. Sales professionals are negotiators. When it comes time to closing the...
Sales Professionals Are Relationship Managers
Hi, it's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos. Today I'm going to continue on with the series of The Many Hats that Sales Professionals Wear. In this lesson we're going to talk about how sales professionals are relationship managers. Some of you who are in key account management...