Sales training for customer
service and technical support staff

Equip your customer service and support teams with our customer service sales training courses essentials, enhancing their upsell and cross-sell techniques. Selling ethically and with emotional intelligence.

Sales Training Specifically Made for Non-Salespeople

Access to 9+ years
Sales Training Experience

Remote & In-person
Learning Options

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Turn customer conversations into sales

Your customers spend more time speaking to your customer service, support and technical teams than any other area of your business. That’s why it’s essential to arm your customer-facing staff with sales fundamentals, helping them uncover repeat business and new sales opportunities.

No matter their level of experience, we can help your customer teams sell with confidence – ethically and in line with your values. Together, we can give them the tools they need to drive new revenue conversations, further increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction in the process.

Our customer service training starts and ends with YOU. We personalise our sales coaching to your goals, needs and experience. All with a values-driven approach – and built on emotional intelligence – to set you up for long-term success.

Sales training focused on customer experience

We not only personalise our customer service training courses to your team’s goals , we tailor our training programs specially to needs and challenges of people in customer service roles.

Customer-focused topics

Tailored sales training

Suitable for introverts

Simeon from Local Digital Testimonial for Sales Ethos

Taking a different approach to sales training

Every customer service and technical support team is unique. So too are the challenges of customer service and support roles. That’s why we start our sales training programs with YOU.

By diving into your team’s training needs and objectives – as well as individual sales experience and goals – we can design a sales training program tailored to your team. All aligned with your values and built on an emotional intelligence framework that enhances the customer experience.

Customer service sales training at a glance

Tailored sales training programs for teams

Designed for customer-facing groups

Choose from 11 core and advanced topics

Dedicated sales trainer with 9+ years experience

Values-driven, ethical framework

Emotionally intelligent approach

Remote and in-person options, Australia wide

1-on-1 sales coaching options

How our sales training has helped
teams just like yours

Ben debunks myths about the negative culture of selling, building sales team integrity and motivation. Delivers good thought provoking concepts in his presentations which are well researched and backed up. The one on one sessions are valuable, helping you stay on top of goals both in sales and in personal life.
D Lam
My experiences have been positive and fruitful due to training received by Ben.
Many aspects of the training sessions have been incorporated into my daily work structure; providing a higher level of polish and professionalism.

I am looking forward to further engagement with Ben, to acquire improved customer communication skill sets and valuable client management tools.
Fabian Fischer

Customer service sales training topics

Our customer service sales training courses have been designed specially for customer-facing teams, focusing on how to naturally turn customer conversations into real sales opportunities.

Choose from 11 core and advanced topics – from selling fundamentals to managing customers more effectively – to find the right mix for your sales training goals.

Your dedicated sales trainer, Ben Lai, will also be with you each step of the way, ensuring your course topics align with your desired outcomes.

Sam from Emporio Coffee Testimonial for Sales Ethos

Core sales training topics

Selling ethically and effectively

Imagine you are the leader of an army. You are about to send your soldiers to battle. They are given state of the art weapons, armour, and training. However, there’s one problem – they don’t want to fight! As a result of disagreement with the war, they simply don’t have the will to battle. The same applies to your sales team. Underlying limiting beliefs about selling, money, and the product will inhibit their effectiveness in the field. Unless negativity is addressed, your sales team will be like the unmotivated soldiers. By attending this customer service sales training course, your team will learn how:

  • To see their work as a calling rather than just a job
  • Sales, money, and business are critical parts of a healthy society
  • Being ethical is the only way to be effective in sales
Building rapport rapidly

Did you know that people decide whether to trust sales professionals within seconds of meeting? It may sound cliché, but it is true that first impressions last! So how can your team increase the trust of prospects and lower their sales resistance? Fortunately, there are many actionable steps that increase buyer trust. For example, there are small signals like clothing. Bigger indicators include personal integrity. Your sales team can leave positive impressions from the moment they come in contact with prospective clients. By attending this workshop, your team will learn how to:

  • Earn trust and lower sales resistance
  • Quickly build an emotional connection with clients
  • Adapt to different personality types and preferences
Winning new business fearlessly

Sales is no longer “just a numbers game.” Buyers are more cynical than ever before. As a result, the effectiveness of cold calling and email marketing has significantly decreased. This is why salespeople often say prospecting is the most difficult part of the sale. By approaching prospects with tired and outdated scripts, they turn away the attention of their audience. Thankfully, there’s a better way to make initial approaches! By attending this customer service sales training course, your team will learn how to:

  • Use a variety of tools (LinkedIn, phone, email) to cut through to decision makers
  • Earn stakeholders’ time with value-centric agendas
  • Significantly increase approach-to-meeting conversion rates
Selling consultatively

Treatment without diagnosis is malpractice. It’s true in the medical and sales professions. Before making a product recommendation, your sales team must ask thoughtful questions to understand their clients’ goals and issues. In addition to uncovering needs, the consultative process is an opportunity to build relationships. By practicing empathic listening, your team will build emotional connections with clients. When combined with logical reasons for buying, a solid case for purchasing becomes evident. In this session your team will learn how to:

  • Uncover prospects’ “hot buttons” to motivate buying
  • Practice active listening to earn trust and truly understand needs
  • Align buying and selling processes to increase close rates
Presenting persuasively

Telling is not selling! Gone are the days of slick, fast-talking salespeople. Sales presentations of today must be logical, emotional, and credible. They must present facts in a way that people can understand, easily picture, and relate to. To sell persuasively, your team must understand how people make decisions. Doing so will allow them to tailor their presentations to different personality types. This will maximise the chance of winning the deal. In this customer service sales training course, your team will learn how to:

  • Understand the principles of ethical persuasion
  • Discover the role of credibility, emotions, and logic in selling
  • Learn how to position and demonstrate products powerfully
Handling objections tactfully

It is natural for prospects to have reservations before buying. Past bad purchases will create a defensive and natural scepticism. As a result, objections can cause your staff to lose sales. By redefining objections to “concerns,” your team will frame them in a positive light. They will encourage transparent communication with prospects. This will allow them to handle barriers to buying. In this session your team will learn how to:

  • Use a 3-step process for handling any objection
  • Understand the true nature of price objections
  • Prevent objections from arising
Negotiating and closing sales confidently

At the end of the sales process comes one of the most daunting aspects of the sale – closing! It is the shortest part of the sales process. Yet, many professionals freeze at this critical moment. Despite being a critical skill for sales professionals, many have never been through negotiations training. As a result, they are more likely to give discounts or concessions. Such outcomes are one-sided. This means reducing profit margins and credibility of the company. In this customer service sales training course your team will learn how to:

  • Use “trial closing” to avoid asking for the sale prematurely
  • Negotiate confidently and fairly
  • Apply pressure ethically to secure the sale

All our sales training course workshops are provided via webinar Australia-wide, with in-person options available for training in Melbourne and Victoria. In-person training is also available in other locations on request.

Advanced sales training topics

Earning repeat business naturally

Selling to existing clients is many times easier and cheaper than finding new ones. You have already established trust. As a result, you have removed many barriers to the sale. So how can your team ensure that clients are happy? How can they keep buying from you and refer others?In this sales training course your team will learn how to:

  • Discover the key principle behind excellent customer service
  • Upsell, cross-sell, and earn repeat business
  • Manage accounts in a structured and intentional way
Managing emotions intelligently

Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence are far greater predictors of success than IQ alone. In addition, mental health is a big issue with sales professionals. As a result of increasing their emotional intelligence, they will be equipped to manage their states effectively.Resilience is the ability of sales professionals to bounce back from disappointments and setbacks. According to research, this factor has enormous weight in predicting the success of staff.In this session your team will:

  • Better understand the role and nature of emotions
  • Increase empathy, and therefore rapport with prospects
  • Learn how to manage emotional states, resulting in increased productivity and sales
Managing time effectively

Everyone is busy, but are they doing the right things? Time management is a crucial aspect of effective sales professionals. Without it, salespeople often spend much time on unnecessary activities. This ultimately results in lower revenue.In this sales training course your team will learn how to:

  • Achieve their KPIs and sales targets through forward planning
  • Distinguish between urgency and importance in tasks
  • Optimise and prioritise activities based on KPIs
Increasing focus scientifically

We are living in a highly distracted workplace. In the office or at home, distractions will destroy your team’s productivity and profitability. How can sales professionals overcome these barriers to performance?In this session, we will:

  • Discover the science behind human behaviour and willpower
  • Put measures in place to prevent distractions and remain focused
  • Begin using internal, social, and environmental factors to increase self-control

Not sure what topics to include in your team’s program?

Sales Trainer Ben Lai can recommend the right topics for your team, specific to your challenges, industry, team member experience and goals.


Sales training course
packages and inclusions

We understand that customers don’t just stop calling (or visiting) because you’re in a training session. And coordinating customer queues to allow time off the phones can be tricky.

That’s why our sales training courses are designed as short, interactive workshops rather than full day sessions. We also include workshop recordings and hands-on training techniques for better topic retention, as well as options to split workshops into multiple sessions.

  • In-depth consultation with you and your team
  • Choice of up to 7 topics (core and advanced)
  • One 1-hour workshop per topic, per fortnight
  • Options for multiple topic sessions
  • Interactive learning techniques, including role plays and real-life scenarios
  • Copies of all worksheets, slides and workshop recordings
  • Consultation and support from your dedicated sales trainer
  • Results tracking and personalised feedback
  • Additional one-on-one sales coaching options

How we customise our sales training programs

Our unique approach focuses on you and your team. By learning about your team’s (and team member’s) goals, challenges and desired outcomes, we can tailor your sales training specific to your needs.

This not only ensures better sales training outcomes but allows your team to start training as soon as possible.

Each and every sales coaching program is unique – tailored to your specific needs – incorporating sales training, live feedback and one-on-one coaching sessions.

Our 3 step sales training approach

Identify and define

Workshops and support
Sales coaching

Identify and define (understanding your needs)

Working with you and your team, we identify and define team (and individual) goals, challenges, and learning outcomes, as well as review workplace culture.
Sales training (workshops and support)
Taking learnings from step 1, Sales Trainer Ben Lai will develop a tailored sales training program, recommending key topics, a learning schedule and training approach.

Sales coaching (1 on 1 sessions)

Sales coaching provides one-on-one guidance to your team. Our  sales coaching works best alongside your training schedule, and can be added at any time to your sales training program.
All our sales training workshops are available remotely (via webinar) with our dedicated sales trainer Ben Lai. In-person workshops are also available for sales training workshops in Melbourne or on request in other locations.

Ready to begin your sales training?

Book time with Sales Trainer Ben Lai to start your sales training conversation.

1:1 discussion

No-oblication call

Start within a week

Director and Founder of Sales Ethos

Meet your sales trainer: Ben Lai

With a background in nursing, selling did not come naturally for Ben. He had to find ways to work with his introversion to sell authentically and effectively.

What this means for you is that you don’t have to “fake it until you make it.” You can be yourself. A better version of yourself. One that can sell effectively without compromising your values or personality.

Ben has been helping sales and health professionals ethically enhance their sales techniques and processes for over nine years. Helping managers and executives build ethical, values-focused, high performing teams that sell with integrity, empathy and authenticity.